Jesus is Better than the Angels- The Better One – Part 11
Jesus is Better than the Angels
Here are our latest church sermons from Mercy Fellowship Church.Â
The story of the Bible is about Jesus. Many people living at the time Jesus lived wanted to make the Bible about Abraham, Moses, the prophets or the Temple where they worshiped. They believed if they honored their traditions they would be right with God. However, God says the only way to be right with Him is to have faith in Jesus. This makes Jesus better than the prophets, the Temple and traditions. Just like those who found their ultimate value in the wrong people, places and things, we can too.
Jesus is Better than the Angels
The story of the Bible is about Jesus. Many people living at the time Jesus lived wanted to make the Bible about Abraham, Moses, the
Big Idea: Jesus is better than Noah Application: God loves us even though we don’t deserve it. Bible Verse: Hosea 3:1–5 Hosea’s Reconciliation With His
Big Idea: Adam lost his perfect relationship with God by giving into temptation, but Jesus did not give into temptation, making a way for us
Big Idea: All of Scripture is about Jesus. Application: We can know Jesus better by understanding his story through out the Bible, including the Old