Boundless It’s easy to see God’s selfless, forgiving love—as illustrated by Hosea marrying a prostitute—as a fine story, but ultimately detached from the real world.
Here are our latest church sermons from Mercy Fellowship Church.
Do you ever feel unloved or even unlovable? The story of Hosea is an incredible illustration of God’s relationship with His people Israel and for us as individuals. We will discover that God’s love, His compassion and His sovereignty has no bounds. We will realize His promises are not bound by the actions of His people. God will do whatever it takes to bring you back to Him.
Boundless It’s easy to see God’s selfless, forgiving love—as illustrated by Hosea marrying a prostitute—as a fine story, but ultimately detached from the real world.
Big Idea: Like God commanded Israel: when you are judged for your sin, don’t get bitter. Instead, run to God. Bible Verse: Hosea 5:15-6:3 15 Then
Big Idea: Much like Hosea sacrificed to free Gomer, God made the greatest sacrifice to free us from our sin: Christ. Bible Verse: Hosea 3:1-5
Big Idea: As this text from Hosea teaches, nothing will stop God from fulfilling His promises. Bible Verse: Hosea1:3-11 3 So he married Gomer daughter of Diblaim,
Big Idea: It’s easy to see God’s selfless, forgiving love—as illustrated by Hosea marrying a prostitute—as a fine story, but ultimately detached from the real