Renewing Our Commitment to Gather, Grow, and Go – Refocus – Part 4
Big Idea: Paul tells his readers to focus on and ponder what is good and honorable as they walk through life. Application: We will keep
Here are our latest church sermons from Mercy Fellowship Church.
It’s hard to believe, but even during the holiday season we can lose focus on what matters most. This series will help refocus our spiritual eyes on Jesus and His kingdom as we begin a new year. God wants us to focus on Him and His kingdom during 2024. Let’s get refocused on what matters most.
Big Idea: Paul tells his readers to focus on and ponder what is good and honorable as they walk through life. Application: We will keep
Big Idea: To walk with Christ is to constantly battle with distraction that would keep us from focusing on him. Application: We will turn our
Big Idea: Jesus says what we focus on relates to what we truly desire in life—and we should truly desire the kingdom of God. Application:
Big Idea: We will keep our focus on Jesus. Application: The writer of Hebrews describes our life with Christ like a race in which we